First Step Towards Weight Loss

Obesity is something a high percent of the world’s population struggle with daily, as it comes hand in hand with other problems that concern our health, besides the social ones. However, all you need is a strong will and some encouragement in order to reach and maintain a normal weight. By losing even 10% to 15% of your total body weight you can decrease the risk of gaining obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and thyroid conditions.
There are some simple steps to start with in order to achieve weight loss, however:
1. Keep a food diary in which you write everything you eat. This way you can assess your weaknesses and strong points, preferences, and you can monitor your general diet. Looking over it after the day is done and realizing that you have eliminated fast food products, for example, may give you a boost and make you go on and eat healthier.
2. Exercise. Cycling, walking your dog or any type of light activity will do. Moreover, regular physical activity at a gym, with a personal instructor can help you gain confidence and lose weight the healthy way.
3. Eat at least 8 portions of fruits and vegetables daily. Healthy, nutritious, packed with fiber, they fill your stomach and your need for vitamins and minerals.
4. Don’t skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, so the largest meal of the day should be your breakfast. Lunch should be a bit smaller, and, afterwards, dinner should consist of something light and in smaller quantities.
5. Stay away from sodas and other sugary things. Choose water, which you should drink abundantly, 100% natural fruit juices or low-fat milk.
6. Limit your portions. Use smaller plates so you are not tempted to overeat and don’t have second portions. Instead, eat a piece of fruit or raw vegetables.